Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bells Two Hearted Ale

Oberon comes out tomorrow. Tomorrow! Which means that soon the ice will melt from my cold heart and the birds will sing and warmth will come again. And the sun, oh god! That sun--I totally understand why the Egyptians used to worship that shit.

Yes, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter (to borrow a phrase). But not without some bonuses. For instance, I discovered a deep love for another Bell's beer--Bell's Two Hearted Ale.

I usually have a hard time drinking more than one microbrew because they give me a headache and the next day I usually feel like a shit sandwhich (to borrow a completely disgusting phrase). Two Hearted is fucking delish. It's easy drinking and smooth as silk. Plus, at 7% alcohol volume, they can get you delightfully tipsy. Which is, of course, something you want when you've lived through seventy bazillion months without a ray of sunshine.

I enjoyed this beer in the comfort of my own home while playing online multi-player with Tim on Little Big Planet 2. The 7% alcohol led to me feeling waaaayyy too compassionately for my fellow LBP2 players but I guess that's not too terrible of a thing.

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