Sunday, March 13, 2011

Arbor Brewing Company--Amstel Light

Me and Tim went on what turned into one of the drunker dates we've been in the last few months. For whatever reason we really enjoy Arbor Brewing Company for a drinky date despite the fact that we don't really care for their beer OR their food. Imagine that.

The staff is just so damn nice, though (bias alert: I have a few dear friends that work/have worked there) that it makes me over look the beer, concentrate on the food they do well--which is of course pub food like garlic fries (with real garlic all over 'em) and perogies (drowning in cheese and bacon, hell to the yes.) I love the big windows and again, a great deck in the summer time, with cute little picnic tables running up and down Washington.

Tim had the Sacred Cow I.P.A. He's a big Bell's Two Hearted Fan and was pretty disappointed with his Sacred Cow. I, on the other hand, played it ultra safe, ordering my good old diet stand by. Amstel Light.

BIG MISTAKE SHAY. Amstel Light, it's super easy drinking and doesn't even taste like a light beer (95 calories a pop. Half that of an ABC beer, I am sure) And with only 3.5% Alcohol volume what could possibly go wrong.

Well lets start with everything. Somehow after slamming a few of these, and having a Jameson (and apparently a friend's Jameson, too?) I ended up der-runk. Like, now is a good time to be honest about my sexual fantasies-drunk or I never told you this but when I was twelve I lied to my seventh grade class about getting drunk on rum because I thought it'd make me cool but really it just made me more of a loser-drunk. I totally have boozeria of the mouth. And the next day had me nursing a hangover that made me feel like God was punishing for my boozery.

I guess the lesson here is not to slam drinks, even if you think they're for pussies because they have the word light attached to them.

Amstel Light in general: 2.9 out of 5 martini glasses
In this case: -10 out of 5 martini glasses.

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