Thursday, March 17, 2011


Michigan Red Berry Refresher

Ok!  Webers, the Habitat Ultralounge.  The name just oozes swank.  *on a completely unrelated note, it's St. Patricks Day and there are throngs of incredibly irritating drunk people on the loose.  just had to share, back to the review!*  All of my Habitat Ultralounge experiences have been pretty good.  This was a Tuesday night, and during the week they have "Live dancing entertainment with the areas best bands".  Oh boy!  It lived up to my expectations, without a doubt.  There was a two-piece ensemble performing.

Man - A Sting/Malcolm McDowell hybrid with a saxaphone, a keyboard, and a microphone.  Early 50s, probably.

Woman - Looked a little like Cheryl Tiegs, but not really.  Long, blonde hair with highlights for that sunkissed look, middle part.  Wearing a red, micro-mini, lycra dress with one long sleeve.  See photo for reference.  She didn't play any instruments, but she sang like an angel. 

They played a wide variety of sweet jams including Green Light by John Legend.  I can honestly say it was a truly unique interpretation.  Ok, alright.  Enough about the awesome Ultralounge.

Red Berry Ciroc (Ultra Premium Vodka), Dekuyper Cherry liqueur, and lemonade.  Served over ice with 2 straws and a maraschino cherry, stemmed.  To be fair, I had a pretty gross anchovie stuffed olive (do yourself a favor and just get the blue cheese olives instead, seriously) right before I ordered this.  It was super easy to drink and didn't taste like booze at all.  I don't have anything bad to say about it, really.  It could have been the atmosphere or it could have been the Ultra Premium vodka I was enjoying. 

"I own twenty cuckaroos." "Twenty-one sir." "I own twenty one cuckaroos."

So yeah.  The "areas best bands" are awesome and this foofy little cocktail was delightful.  I only rate it mediocre because it tasted like a million other things I've already tried.

2.5 out of 5

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