Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Bar (at Braun Ct)

The French 75

First visit to the "Bar", I almost missed it.  I think that's the charm of it.  It's really dark inside and feels like you're hanging out at someones apartment.  Someone that might just be too cool for me to know. 

So, the drink!  I'm pretty sure I knew I wasn't going to love it when I ordered it.  Its made from Cava (champagne, blecht), Brokers gin, simple syrup, lemon and Peychaud's bitters.  Sour, floral, dry, super light sweetness.  All these things hit me separately AND at once.  It was a very interesting drink.  The lemon was very prominent, especially in the aroma.  It had a slight bitterness to it that faded away very quickly.  Every sip was different and full of complex layers.  The ice cubes were gigantic.  Like, HUGE.  I took the top one out so that I could actually drink my drink without taking a cube to the nose.  I didn't like the French 75.  Not based on the fact that it was a bad drink, I just didn't care for the ingredients.  I don't really know if I liked the bar, either.

1 shot of champagne out of the French 75

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The Jackson (motherfucking) Five

A little thing that you might not know about me, I LOVE random shots.  In random places.  So, one evening Becca and myself were driving to my house to hang out and Applebee's caught my peripheral eye.  Me: Hey, wanna stop at Applebee's and do a random shot?  Becca:  Hell yes, I do.  We go in and sit at the bar.  We tell the bartender we'd like to do a shot.  "Fruity or strong?"  Duh.  What we ended up with was both fruity, and strong.  Win!  She gave us a Johnny Vegas shot (this is NOT the drink I am reviewing, but still part of the story) which is Cuervo Gold, Raspberry Pucker, and Red Bull.  It was pretty tasty.  Some dudes that were sitting next to us said "If you want something really strong you should order the Four Hoursemen."  "Or the Jackson Five", the bartender chimed in.  Of course we were interested and decided to come back for last call and get this "Jackson Five". 

We roll back in for last call and order up 2 Jackson Fives.  Some dude asks the bartender "Who the hell ordered that?"  She motioned to us and he just shook his head.  She instructed us to not vomit on her bar.  Ha!  The Jackson Five:  Jose Cuervo, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Johnny Walker Blue, and Jager.  Whoa, right?  This shot only costs $4.  Wtf.  It tastes like Band-Aids, but isn't as terrible as I imagined it would be.  We have gone back a few times for random Jackson Five shots and once she (a different bartender) used Jameson instead of Johnny Walker.  It was a little less Band-Aidy, but still very similar.


5 out of Jackson 5

p.s. Consumption of this shot is likely to result in this:

California Pizza Kitchen

Long Island Iced Tea

Yep, CPK.  In the mall right across from Hot Topic, no less.  If you have to go to the mall you might as well have a place to get a stiff drink.  CPK don't fuck around, there is no bottom shelf booze here.  There's barely mid-grade booze.  I guess a Long Island is a Long Island, but I'm gonna give this little darling a 5 out of 5 for being in the mall.  AND in a nice fancy glass.  LOOK AT THAT GARNISH!  I live for a touch of CPK.

Wet Willies

Call a Cab

Wet Willies is a place we discovered in San Diego.  They serve slushies made with Everclear.  The drink is called "Call a Cab".  They're not all made with Everclear, some are more appealing to the average drinker.  They even have some with no booze at all!  The texture of this "slushie" was very odd and delightfully pleasing to my tongue.  All in all, it was an amazing drink.  Only drawback being brain freeze and severe drunkenness (not necessarily a bad thing).  Two thumbs up!

Good Time Charlie's

TMNT Shooters!

Oh yes, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shooter set.  One shot for each turtle, and depending on who the bartender is you might even get a Splinter shot!  In order as pictured:  Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michaelangelo.  You know what the best part is?!  They actually taste different!  Cheers to you, Good Time Charlie's.  I recommend an entire set per person, but for the beginner...go ahead and split one with your pals.

Uptown Coney Island


A classic, refreshing, beer at my favorite place to get beer with breakfast!  Just kidding, I had lunch.

The Porchard

Pop, Lock, and Clock it.

We've all made bad decisions, right?  The scene:  Jeremy Wheeler's birthday party.  The drink:  Gridlock Energy Drink and Five O'Clock vodka (shiver).  Alternate chugs of each and voila!  You're drunk!  

Don't try it.  It is funny, though.